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Dr. William "Bill" K. Bogdan

Dr. William K Bogdan
Dr. William K Bogdan

Dr. Bogdan, CEC Past President (1999-2000), has spent several decades in the field of special education and received multiple awards for his work. He is passionate about empowering special educators. He works tirelessly to promote the dignity and worth of all individuals, regardless of disability, family status, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic background.

His positions within CEC include numerous positions within Ohio CEC; CEC President (1999-2000); Yes I Can (YIC) Foundation Board Chair (2005-2007) and YIC awards ceremony emcee for four years; co-author of the 2019 “State of the Profession: Special and Gifted Education in the New Millennium,” the landmark national study that served as a data-driven foundation for CEC leadership activities in public policy, standards, and professional development; one of the initial members of Leadership Development Committee (March 2018-August 2021); Chair of the Leadership Development Program Subcommittee (LDPS) and Co-Chair of Fundraising and Development Committee. 

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