CEC Exceptional Teacher Resource Repository

No one does more exceptional work than educators like you - so why not take advantage of your peer network?
This database of resources is for CEC members to find expert-reviewed resources created by your peers that you can use in your own classroom. Search for resources for supporting all learners in all kinds of formats: videos, handouts, templates, instructional strategies, how-tos, etc. Everything is reviewed by subject matter experts to ensure that we're highlighting not only beneficial resources, but the work of exceptional teachers.
Interested in submitting a resource or becoming a reviewer? Learn more about the submission process.
Featured Resources
One-Stop Support: Simplifying Resource Access for Parents of Students with Disabilities
An article discussing the importance of creating a central hub for parents of students with disabilities to access resources in one location. For example, the...
Notable Features:
Classroom Based Assessment Guide For Teachers
This guide provides teachers with a structured approach to gather important data on a student's academic performance, behavior, social skills, and interventions attempted. The primary...
Activity Participation Checklist
The activity participation checklist helps teachers track how students take part in class activities, showing their effort and involvement.
ESCOLAR (Effective Science Curriculum for Optimized Learning and Academic Results) for Upper Elementary Science Lessons for Inclusive Teaching
ESCOLAR (Effective Science Curriculum for Optimized Learning and Academic Results) for Upper Elementary is a dynamic, web-based curriculum designed for third- to fifth-grade teachers to...
Notable Features:
Home-School Communication Log for Parents and Practitioners
This tool provides a template to guide parent and practitioner communication. It provides opportunities for parents and school team members to share updates, notes, and...
Notable Features:
Hand-Under-Hand Guidance and Co-Active Movement
Touch is essential for learners with visual impairments, hearing impairments, deafblindness and multiple/severe disabilities to gather information about their surroundings and for performing daily tasks...
Daily Home Report
This is a quick, end of day check out that a student can take home to their parent to increase home-school connection.
Notable Features:
Literacy Resource Bundle
This comprehensive literacy resource bundle offers a diverse array of strategies tailored to enhance literacy skills across all grade levels, from kindergarten to 12th grade...
Interested in submitting a resource or becoming a reviewer? Learn more about the submission process.