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Advanced Administrator Special Education Professional Leadership Standards

About our Administrator Standards

The Administrator Standards represent the first set of stand-alone CEC Standards developed specifically for advanced-level programs preparing special education administrators and leaders in all exceptionality areas.

For over 20 years, CEC's knowledge and skills specialty set for Special Education Administrators has provided frameworks for the advanced preparation of administrators at the national level. Using this foundation, CEC and CASE have developed the Administrator Standards to provide programs a framework for special education administrator preparation programs that is no longer teacher centric.  

Administrator of Special Education Professional Leadership Standards


Standard 1: Vision, Mission, & Direction Setting

Administrator of special education candidates advocate for the current and future success and well-being of each student with exceptionalities and adults educating students with exceptionalities by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to ensure the use of proven evidence-based leadership principles to communicate the vision and mission and set direction of programs and services for students with exceptionalities in accordance with the IDEA and other national policies. Candidates develop and implement strategic plans aligned for programs and services for students with exceptionalities and the vision, mission, and direction of the larger education system in collaboration with key stakeholders representing disability and cultural diversity.

1.1 Candidates apply proven evidence-based leadership principles for setting direction and communicating the vision and mission of programs and services for students with exceptionalities.
1.2 Candidates develop and implement strategic plans for programs and services for students with exceptionalities in collaboration with general and special education leaders and educators, parents, students, and other key stakeholders representing disability and cultural diversity.
1.3 Candidates align the vision, mission, and direction for programs and services for students with exceptionalities with the context of the larger educational system.


Standard 2: Implementation of Policy, Legal, & Ethical Practices for Special Education Programs & Services

Administrator of special education candidates advocate for the current and future success and well-being of each student with exceptionalities and adults educating students with exceptionalities by applying the knowledge, skills, and commitments necessary to ensure the use of proven evidence-based leadership principles to communicate the vision and mission and set direction of programs and services for students with exceptionalities in accordance with the IDEA and other national policies. Candidates develop and implement strategic plans aligned for programs and services for students with exceptionalities and the vision, mission, and direction of the larger education system in collaboration with key stakeholders representing disability and cultural diversity.

2.1 Candidates comply with organizational by-laws and adhere to ethical guidelines governing the provision of programs and services for students with exceptionalities.
2.2 Candidates adhere to and execute national, state, and local policies, laws, regulations, and procedures as they apply to the provision of programs and services for students with exceptionalities.
2.3 Candidates model ethical leadership behavior through conduct, relationships with others, decision-making, and stewardship of resources for the benefit of students with exceptionalities and their families.


Standard 3: Organizational Leadership & Management for Special Education

Administrator of special education candidates utilize multiple leadership approaches to implement systems-change strategies to build capacity to support the education of students with exceptionalities. Administrator of special education candidates engage in research and inquiry to inform best practices for special education leadership using data-driven strategies/methods for the continual improvement of processes and educational outcomes of students with exceptionalities.

3.1 Candidates utilize multiple leadership approaches and strategies that support the delivery of specialized instruction and related services for students with exceptionalities.
3.2 Candidates implement systems-change strategies to build capacity to support the education of students with exceptionalities.
3.3 Candidates engage in research and inquiry to inform leadership practices that result in continual improvement of instruction, learning, and educational outcomes of students with exceptionalities.
3.4 Candidates design, implement, and manage data-informed systems to guide best leadership practices that improve the educational outcomes of students with exceptionalities.


Standard 4: Program Oversight, Improvement, & Instructional Leadership for Special Education

Administrator of special education candidates provide program oversight, improvement, and instructional leadership that provides access, equity, and opportunity in the provision of free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Candidates collaboratively design, implement, and evaluate systems to ensure appropriate programming for students with exceptionalities. Candidates utilize data to improve programs for students with exceptionalities.

4.1 Candidates use program evaluation and results-driven accountability for planning and implementing a continuum of specialized instruction and related services that guarantees access, equity, and opportunity in the provision of free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE).
4.2 Candidates collaboratively design and implement systems of support, utilizing assistive technologies and universal design for learning embedded in accommodations and modifications.
4.3 Candidates oversee culturally responsive and developmentally appropriate assessments, curriculum, and evaluations that support instruction, learning, and well-being for students with exceptionalities to ensure appropriate identification, placement, and instruction.
4.4 Candidates utilize collection, management, and analysis of data to improve learning outcomes for students with exceptionalities.
4.5 Candidates oversee resource allocation, planning and programming, and agency supports for transitions of students with exceptionalities.


Standard 5: Human & Fiscal Resource Management of Special Education Programs & Services
Administrator of special education candidates create, manage, assess, and oversee special education procedures, processes, and policies for programs and services for students with exceptionalities in compliance with human and fiscal management requirements and applicable laws and regulations. Fiscal and human resources are managed in consultation with facilities management personnel and collaboration with diverse stakeholders. Candidates oversee the hiring, management, and professional development of qualified professionals who educate students with exceptionalities.

5.1 Candidates create, implement, assess, and oversee budgets, grants, and contracts for programs and utilize multiple funding sources for services for students with exceptionalities in collaboration with key stakeholders.
5.2 Candidates develop and implement policies, processes, and procedures that comply with ADA or other national requirements through consultation with facilities management personnel and collaboration with diverse groups of stakeholders.
5.3 Candidates supervise and evaluate personnel educating students with exceptionalities using policies, processes, and procedures that are culturally responsive and embed adult development learning principles.
5.4 Candidates implement policies, processes, and procedures for recruiting, hiring, and retaining diverse, qualified professionals who educate students with exceptionalities.
5.5 Candidates design and implement professional development that is culturally responsive and embeds adult development learning principles to support professionals educating students with exceptionalities.


Standard 6: Collaboration & Communication with Special Education Stakeholders
Administrator of special education candidates engage diverse groups of stakeholders within local, intermediate, and state agencies in support of students with exceptionalities by cultivating and sustaining collaborative relationships. Candidates utilize of conflict management, dispute resolution, and due process strategies to resolve differences with stakeholders to improve educational outcomes for students with exceptionalities.

6.1 Candidates communicate and collaborate with diverse groups of general and special educators and administrators and intermediate and state agencies in district efforts to support the learning of students with exceptionalities.
6.2 Candidates use facilitation, mediation, resolution sessions, and due process hearings to resolve differences and improve communication and collaboration with stakeholders supporting and educating students with exceptionalities.


Standard 7: Equity & Cultural Responsiveness
Administrator of special education candidates identify systemic inequities in relationship to identification, programming, and service delivery for students with exceptionalities. Candidates communicate fairly and equitably and apply democratic values that enhance cultural responsiveness, stress the imperative of high expectations, and support equity, inclusiveness, social justice, openness, caring, and trust for all students, families, educators, and stakeholders.

7.1 Candidates identify systemic inequities, e.g., gender, race, culture, language, age, disability, and socio-economic status, in relationship to identification, programming, and service delivery for students with exceptionalities
7.2 Candidates communicate fairly and equitably with all students, families, educators, administrators, and stakeholders.
7.3 Candidates advocate for and apply democratic values that enhance cultural responsiveness, stress the imperative of high expectations, and support equity, inclusiveness, social justice, openness, caring, and trust for students with exceptionalities.


Standard 8: Field & Clinical Experience
Administrators of special education candidates complete an internship under the supervision of knowledgeable, expert practitioners that engages candidates in multiple and diverse settings and provides candidates with coherent, authentic, and sustained opportunities to synthesize and apply the knowledge and skills identified in the Administrator of Special Education Standards 1–7 in ways that approximate the full range of responsibilities required of leaders of special education and enable them to promote the current and future success and well-being of each student with exceptionalities and adults who are responsible for their education.

8.1 Candidates are provided a variety of coherent, authentic, field, or clinical practicum or internship experiences within multiple district environments that afford opportunities to interact with culturally diverse stakeholders and synthesize and apply the content knowledge and develop and refine the professional standards articulated in each of the components of the Administrator of Special Education Professional Leadership Standards 1-7.
8.2 Candidates will meet their state clinical practicum or internship duration (e.g., hours, months, semesters) requirements codified for leaders of local education agencies for licensure.
8.3 Candidates are provided a mentor who holds appropriate state education licensure, a position as an administrator of special education within a local education agency district setting, and understands and models exemplary practices as defined by the Administrator of Special Education Professional Leadership Standards 1-7.

Download Advanced Administrator Special Education Professional Leadership Standards

Last Updated:  23 February, 2022

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