Design Your Convention Experience with Pre-Convention, Post-Convention, and Virtual Workshops

CEC’s 2024 Convention and Expo offers countless professional development and learning opportunities. With hundreds of sessions and workshops, you can customize your convention experience to suit your professional development and learning goals. For our in-person convention, we offer 22 pre & post-convention workshops on Wednesday, March 13, and Saturday, March 16. These additional full- and half-day opportunities provide a closer look into a range of topics that will help you enhance your practice.
If you are attending our Virtual Convention, we have 12 live virtual workshops on Tuesday, April 9.
Check out a sample of the workshops below:
- Putting Paras in Play: Tips for Teachers Supporting Paraeducators in Your Classroom
- Offered on Wednesday, March 13 (in-person) and on Tuesday, April 9 (virtual)
- Paraeducators deliver an array of special education services with little or no formal preparation for their duties. In this interactive workshop, the presenter will share research-based paraeducator supervision content, tools, and resources aligned with CEC Core Competencies for Special Education Paraeducators that can used by teachers to guide and direct the work of paraeducators appropriately.
- Presented by Ritu V. Chopra, Ph.D. The Paraprofessional Resource and Research Center (The PAR2A Center), University of Colorado Denver; Peggy A. Yates, Ed.D., Alma College
- Data That Makes a Difference: Assessment and Progress Monitoring Tips for Responsive, Inclusive Educators
- Offered on Tuesday, April 9 (virtual)
- This live session focuses on the essential elements of High Leverage Practices 4 and 6 as they pertain to data-based decision-making. Through this interactive session, participants will deepen their knowledge of classroom assessment, progress monitoring, and data-based decision-making to enhance student instruction and intervention.
- Presented by Dr. Lindsey Pike, Roger Williams University; Dr. Adam Moore, University of Rhode Island
- Executive Functioning Supports in Today's Classroom
- Offered on Wednesday, March 13 (in-person) and on Tuesday, April 9 (virtual)
- You will spend this session learning about executive functioning, how deficits in this area can affect students, and techniques and tools to help support students. Attention, memory, and organization will be reviewed, and you’ll have an opportunity to reflect on the changing needs of these in today's classroom. You’ll get hands-on and collaborate with colleagues on techniques that work for a variety of student needs.
- Presented by Cassie Frost, Disruptive Teaching
- Leadership Support for Behavior
- Offered on Saturday, March 16 (in-person)
- One of your most important responsibilities as a building administrator is to create and sustain a safe and productive school environment that encourages responsible behavior, and fosters student and staff success. This workshop will guide you through the processes of selecting and adopting schoolwide approaches to discipline and classroom management, including using high ratios of positive to corrective interactions; developing guidelines for success; and working with your team to effect change through a continuous cycle of improvement.
- Presented by Jessica Sprick and Tricia Rees Berg, Ph.D., Safe & Civil Schools
- Trauma Informed IEPs
- Offered on Tuesday, April 9 (virtual)
- This presentation is designed to educate educators, special education professionals, and related service providers on developing and implementing trauma-informed IEPs for students eligible for special education. We will explore the intersection of trauma, its impact on learning and behavior, and how to integrate trauma-informed practices into the IEP process effectively.
- Presented by David Bateman
With these workshops and many more, the 2024 Convention and Expo is an event you do not want to miss. Learn more about these pre- & post-convention workshops, the virtual workshops, and more.
We cannot wait to see you in San Antonio, Texas, from March 13 to March 16 and virtually starting April 9. Register today, and don’t forget to add these additional convention workshops.